Monday, December 21, 2009

Facebook Vs Twitter(A post in response to Mr Koh)

Facebook Vs Twitter
Twitter is generally a advertising site that you can make money out of it and make short announcements to other people,which is something like a SMS but it is on the web.That I don't really like the idea of it with only a limit of 140 characters,so you would have to squeeze your words or sent multiple messages.Why people prefer facebook?Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region.A San Antonio-based market research firm Pear Analytics analyzed 2,000 tweets (originating from the US and in English) over a 2-week period from 11:00a to 5:00p (CST) and separated them into six categories:
* News
* Spam
* Self-promotion
* Pointless babble
* Conversational
* Pass-along value
The firm found that "pointless babble" was the largest category of Twitter content, making up 811 tweets or 40.55 percent of the total number of messages sampled.

Conversational messages accounted for 751 messages or 37.55 percent, tweets with "pass-along value" i.e. retweets – accounted for 174 messages or 8.70 percent, self-promotion by companies made up 117 tweets or 5.85 percent, spam was 75 tweets or 3.75 percent and tweets with news from mainstream media publications accounted for 72 tweets or 3.60 percent.So,if you were to ask me,who won.I would say none,but I still prefer twitter.


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